(407) 664-5605 or (407) 802-5217 -- Jamaican Cultural Connection, Inc. -- A 501(c)(3) Organization info@jccnow.org

Lion Of Judah Academy

Lion Of Judah Academy
Business Genre
Short Business Description
Why Lion of Judah Academy
If you are looking for a Christian centered, academically challenging, educational environment, L.O.J.A. may be the place you are looking for, for you and your child's spiritual and educational needs.

​L.O.J.A. is Pre K through 12th grade and we use the A Beka Curriculum. The strength of our educational program lies with dedicated Christian teachers that understand that working with children is more than a job, it is a ministry of serving.

Long Business Description

Greetings from the Principal
 As a parent, teacher, and principal, I am constantly amazed at how God continues to build His Kingdom by transforming the hearts and minds of LOJA students year after year. It is our hope that this website will serve as a window into the learning and growth that occurs every day at this school. We passionately love the Lord and are deeply rooted in God’s love and grace. Lion of Judah Academy strives daily to nurture growth in our students through the schools four core values of TRUTH, SERVICE, RELATIONSHIPS, and EXCELLENCE to the glory of God.
  Our desire is to have every student be well equipped through academics, spiritually, physically, socially, fine arts, co-curricular and in countless other daily experiences where godly teachers interact with students to help make an impact on their “world” both in the present and for the future. We feel blessed to be able to partner with parents as together we follow Proverbs 22:6 to “Train up a child in the way he should go.”

Mrs. Shealey

Business Address
1056 N Pine Hills Rd, Orlando, FL 32808
Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
(407) 557-8116
  • Lion Of Judah Academy
  • Lion Of Judah Academy

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