(407) 664-5605 or (407) 802-5217 -- Jamaican Cultural Connection, Inc. -- A 501(c)(3) Organization info@jccnow.org

Business / Non-Profit Org. Membership Form

"*" indicates required fields

Fill out this section if applying for Business/Non-Profit Org. Membership*
Type of Business
Pledge Charity
Monthly Pledge
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

After you have submit your application, please pay your dues by selecting your application type from the PayPal button below. CashApp and Zelle as listed below can also be used. Thank you!

Select the membership that is right for your type of business:

Business Type Option

Setup and support JCC with your Annual Business Subscription

Annual Membership Subscription Options

You can also use CashApp. Click on the image to use CashApp’s Secure Website Portal or use the Mobile App on your Smart Phone.

JCC CashApp Tag:   


Remember to add Membership Dues on the transaction memo screen.

You can also use Zele. You can find JCC on Zelle by using the following email address:



Remember to add Membership Dues on the transaction memo screen.