(407) 664-5605 or (407) 802-5217 -- Jamaican Cultural Connection, Inc. -- A 501(c)(3) Organization info@jccnow.org


Food Pantry

Hunger is a reality for many poor people all over the world. JCC’s mission is to try and minimize hunger by providing food assistance to poor families, particularly in urban areas where there is less accessibility to naturally grown produce as is common in the rural areas.

To achieve our mission, JCC, Inc. will develop partnerships with various food manufacturers that will be able to use their donations as a taxable write off for their business. Our annual goal is to distribute at least one ton of food from our strategically located pantries, locally and internationally. This is an incredibly worthwhile and fulfilling goal as we actively seek donations in food products as well as financial.

To all our donors, we hope that you will share whatever you can, in time and resources to help the less fortunate among us in the communities we serve.
